DIPG & DMG Parent Group

Receiving a diagnosis of DIPG or DMG is life altering for families who face a challenging diagnosis and treatment plan. CBTF & the Marc Jr. Foundation host a virtual support group for parents whose children have been diagnosed with DIPG or DMG. This one of a kind program is the only DIPG/DMG Parent Group run by a Clinical Social Worker. Find support from other parents on this journey. Contact Regina Karchner at for more information. 

Individual One on One Support

One-on-one support is available through our social workers. They will speak with you over the phone about any topic of concern to you including questions from newly diagnosed families, transitioning back to school after treatment, long-term effects, and any other concerns you might have. We also have a dedicated bereavement counseling program for families who have lost a child. Contact Regina Karchner at to be connected with a CBTF social worker. 

Parent and Caregiver Groups

The Parents of Young Adult Survivor Group meets monthly and is for parents and caregivers of young adult brain tumor survivors ages 18 and older. It is a non judgmental space to share stories, issues and resources with others who understand. For more information contact Stacia Wagner at

The Parents of Teen Survivors Group meets monthly and is for parents and caregivers of teen brain tumor survivors ages 13-18. This group gives parents the opportunity to meet other parents in different stages of the brain tumor journey and share insights, resources and stories. For more information, contact Stacia Wagner at

The Parents of Young Survivors Group is for parents and caregivers whose children are 15 and under at all stages of treatment and survivorship. These discussions give parents an opportunity to connect, share resources and stories with others who understand. Contact Regina Karchner at for more information. 

The Father Discussion Group meets quarterly and is just for the fathers of survivors. It gives them the opportunity to connect and share their unique perspective with each other. Contact Stacia Wagner at for more information.  

Grupo de padres para familias de habla hispana: La Fundación para el Tumor Cerebral Infantil se complace en dar la bienvenida a una nueva trabajadora social a nuestro equipo, Karla García. Karla dirigirá grupos de apoyo para padres mensuales para nuestras familias de habla hispana. Comuniquese con Karla García en para obtener mas información. 

  • Parents Group for Spanish-Speaking Families: Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation is excited to welcome a new social worker to our team, Karla Garcia! Karla will lead monthly parent support groups for our Spanish-speaking families. Contact Karla García at for more information. 


Siblings of Survivors Group

When a child is diagnosed with a brain tumor, the entire family is impacted forever. We know the typical role a sibling plays within their family often changes, while they are experiencing many of the same difficult emotions as other family members. This is group for siblings ages 8-15 that will meet every other month. Contact Regina Karchner at for more information. 

Teen Groups

The Teen Leadership Program is designed to empower survivors and help them build a strong peer support network through leadership opportunities. Participants meet monthly and actively engage in activities that promote and support CBTF programs and families, like the teen mentor program. This program is for survivors ages 15-19 that have prior experience with CBTF. Contact Regina Karchner at for more information. 

Teen Survivor Chat is a program designed to give teens ages 13-18 the space to connect with others that understand what it is like to navigate life as a teen brain tumor survivor. Contact Regina Karchner at for more information. 

Young Adult Groups

Stepping Forward is a monthly group for young adult (ages 18-35) survivors. This group is an opportunity for young adults to come together and socialize, discuss survivorship and learn more about resources that can help them live their life to the fullest. Contact Stephanie Freeman at for more information. 

Adolescent Young Adult Chats is a weekly chat for survivors – run for survivors, by survivors! They include games, topic based discussion, and a great chance to connect with peers. These chats take place every Friday at 2PM ET. Reach out to Tom Ha at with any questions.

Young Adult College Chat is a monthly group for survivors transitioning from high school to college or currently in college to navigate this new environment. Contact Regina Karchner at for more information.  

Young Survivor Group

The Young Survivor Group is for survivors ages 8-15. These monthly discussions give young survivors an opportunity to connect, share resources and stories with others who understand. Contact Regina Karchner at for more information. 

Young Professionals Group (YPG)

The goal of YPG is to provide resources and support for young adult survivors as they navigate life after high school including providing guidance on entering the workforce, networking, resumes, interviewing. If you are a young adult survivor and are interested in learning more about working with YPG, contact Stacia Wagner at for more information. 

CBTF also offers online Arts and Creative Programs, for more information, click here.


Just Us, Dad and Survivor Retreat

to join us We understand how important it is to spend one-on-one time with your child and to have a chance to bond with other dads. CBTF wants to give you a place to do that. This three-day camp experience takes place in the fall and brings dads and their survivors together to offer programs and discussions focused on their unique needs. Dads and survivors of all ages will participate in camp activities alongside educational and supportive discussions. The 2024 retreat will be May 31-June 2nd. Apply to join us here. Contact Beth Jones at for more information

Regional Heads Up Conferences

In 2025. CBTF will be hosting three regional Heads Up Conferences. These sessions are designed to build and strengthen communities and keep survivors and families connected after the week of camp is over. Teen survivors will have the chance to bond over their shared experiences in a way that they might not be able to bond with other peers. Young adult survivors will attend as cabin counselors, mentors and program volunteers providing leadership, guidance and support.

In addition to participating in lots of fun traditional camp activities, we’ll tackle topics impacting the brain tumor community like school, peer relationships and dating, bullying, and emotional challenges that aren’t common among peers or even among survivors of other pediatric cancers. We are excited to offer these new experiences to our community. Applications will be available in January. Contact Beth Jones at with questions or for more information.

Weekend Adventures for Survivors

Teen and Young Adult Survivors have participated in a variety of sports weekends designed to challenge them to achieve things beyond what they thought possible. Through the use of adaptive lessons and equipment, survivors have participated in sports such as skiing and kayaking. Contact Kayla Giacin at to find out about upcoming trips.