Healthcare Professionals may request copies of CBTF resource materials here.

We know when your child has been diagnosed with a brain tumor, you may be inundated with unfamiliar medical information and language you’ve never heard before.
Available free to all families, our comprehensive resource guide addresses topics relating to diagnosis and treatment, family impact, returning to school, and community resources – all in a way that is easy to understand.
CBTF is excited to present the new 7th edition of our resource guide, Finding Your Way, in a readable format here on the CBTF website. You can view (or download) a copy of the guide, or you can request a hard copy here.
Thank you to Day One and Vizient for their support in creating the 7th edition of Finding Your Way.

Parker’s Brain Storm
Many children have questions about their brain tumor and the surgery that may follow the diagnosis. Providing answers to your youngest children can be a difficult task. Parker’s Brain Storm is a child-friendly story describing the process of diagnosis and surgery from the prospective of a little bear named Parker. In this colorful, 16-page book, Parker Bear is not feeling very well and his Mom brings him to see a special doctor to find out what is causing little Parker to feel ill and to help him feel better. Parker’s Brain Storm is free for families. Spanish versions will be available soon.

Parker’s Water Tube Ride
Parker’s Water Tube ride is the second book in our Parker the Bear series, written by Jennifer Moliterno Gunel, MD Chief of Neurosurgical Oncology and Co-Director at the Yale Brain Tumor Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital, and Trisha Gupte, BS. It tells the story of Parker as he is being treated for hydrocephelus and needs to undergo a shunt placement. It explains the procedure in a way that will help a young child understand during time they might feel scared and confused. Parker’s Water Tube Ride is free for families. You can request a copy here. Spanish versions will be available soon.

Parker’s Friendship Circle
Parker’s Friendship Circle is the third book in our Parker the Bear series, written by Jennifer Moliterno Gunel, MD Chief of Neurosurgical Oncology and Co-Director at the Yale Brain Tumor Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital, and Trisha Gupte, BS. It tells the story of Parker’s experience with bullying when he returns to school after treatment. The book discusses how peers may not always know how to handle someone’s differences and gives tips on how to help them understand. Parker’s Friendship Circle is free for families. You can request a copy here. Spanish versions
will be available soon.
Please consider making a donation so we can send even more books of the Parker’s Series to hospitals and to families!
Thank you to our generous sponsors, Mia’s Miracles Foundation, Susan Beris, MD Fund for the Yale Brain Tumor Surgery Program and The Lovemark Foundation for supporting our Parker’s Series Publications!