CBTF Educational Advocacy Program

CBTF is committed to supporting survivors and families throughout their journey, including helping navigate the educational system to ensure their child has every opportunity to reach their academic potential. Many changes may occur following treatment for a brain tumor, and you may have to educate yourself and the school about the changes.

You may need to figure out what to ask for or how best to assist your child and the school. It might feel overwhelming to think about what your child needs as they return to school and learning challenges become more apparent. CBTF is here to help you understand the differences between a 504 plan and an IEP, know your child’s rights, determine appropriate accommodations or help with a re-entry program. You may want a better understanding of neuropsychological testing, when to request it, and how to obtain it. You may be looking for suggestions on how to educate teachers and peers about your child’s diagnosis. No matter the need, CBTF is available for your family.

Please complete the Educational Advocacy Program (EAP) form:

if you are interested in receiving services through the program. If you have additional questions, please contact Stephanie Freeman at sfreeman@cbtf.org