Financial Aid Resources

The following is a list of organizations and government funded programs that offer information and support for families dealing with cancer. They cover a wide range of needs including medical equipment coverage, costs of travel, utility assistance and more. Some of these are specific to certain regions of the U.S.

CBTF social workers can assist with applications, however, many require hospital social worker assistance and/or medical paperwork.

American Cancer Society

The ACS offers financial support to individual communities based upon region. They also offer the Hope Lodge in certain locations, which offers a place for families to stay during cancer treatment.

Phone: 800-227-2345



Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation

The B+ Foundation is committed to helping the families of critically ill children with financial assistance so they can focus on helping their child get well.


B the Difference

B the Difference is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed to provide support to individuals and their families battling Neurofibromatosis (NF) through our B Happy and B Kind programs.

B Kind provides assistance for individuals and families with NF in a multitude of ways, including food, medical, and educational aid. Our team works directly with the referred individual to identify which area of need can most benefit them. It’s important to note that we do not provide assistance in the form of cash or checks. This referral process is closed to the public. We work with members of the medical and NF community to connect us with deserving individuals and families. Refer a family here:

B Kind for the Holidays is a program that runs from Thanksgiving to Christmas and gifts $250 gift cards to families that are referred and need a little bit of holiday magic.




Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition

CFAC is a collection of resources helping cancer patients manage their financial challenges.


Children's Cancer Center

Children’s Cancer Center offers assistance in various forms, including gift cards for things like gas, groceries, etc. They also have the “White Hat Fund” which funds essential needs (like electric, rent/mortgage, car payment, etc) to qualifying families.


Phone: 813-367-5437 

Clayton Dabney Foundation for Kids

Provides anonymous assistance to financially struggling families throughout the country with children in the final stages of terminal cancer, allowing them to create everlasting memories with their child.


GSK for You

GSK for You is a program committed to assisting eligible patients access our medications. We offer programs for patients who meet income and other eligibility requirements.


Have a Heart Children's Cancer Society

Have a Heart Children’s Cancer Society assist’s families of children with cancer living in the Long Island area with medical bills, treatments, equipment, transportation and household expenses.


Friends of Karen

Friends of Karen provides direct financial assistance for illness-related expenses including, but not limited to: Transportation to medical treatment, parking, in-hospital meals, childcare for siblings when parents have to be with their hospitalized child, medical expenses not covered by insurance and basic living expenses. Assistance is available for families living in certain boroughs and counties in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. 


Iron Matt Foundation

TheIronMatt Family Assistance Program supports families in need of financial assistance. They assist families, regardless of their socio-economic status, the type of brain tumor (malignant or benign), or the progression of the disease.


Jacob's Heart Children's Cancer Support Services

Jacob’s Heart supports families with a child 21 or younger who have received a cancer diagnosis. Families must live in Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, or South Santa Clara County in California. Assistance includes grocery delivery, transportation to treatment, financial support and housing assistance. 


National Children's Cancer Society

NCCS offers transportation and emergency assistance for families dealing with a children’s cancer diagnosis. They also partner with Agelity, a national provider of discount prescription drug cards.


Oracle Health Foundation

Financial constraints and insurance limitations sometimes make it impossible for families to cover their child’s medical expenses. Oracle Health Foundation’s pediatric grants connect children to needed care when finances stand in the way. The types of grants awarded fall into four main categories: clinical, equipment, displacement, and vehicle modification.


Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together provides critical repairs and renovations for low-income homeowners across the United States.


The Sarah Grace Foundation

The Sarah Grace Foundations provides families of children with cancer (living in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut) a variety of financial help and support including: ball game tickets, financial aid, funeral expenses, holiday parties/activities, meal and transportation allowances, sponsored outings and toys and games.


Smiles for Sophie Forever

Smiles for Sophie Forever provides financial support to those families burdened by pediatric brain tumors by offering grants through their organization.


B the Difference

Clinical Trials

Your child’s doctor or treatment team may recommend that you enroll your child in a clinical trial. This is a research study of new therapies (or experimental drugs and treatments). By studying a larger collected group of children in a protocol with very exact treatment guidelines, doctors are able to draw better conclusions about how effective a treatment is and work to improve it.

DIPG Navigator

Provides one on one support from DIPG/DMG nurse navigators who will directly help you better understand the diagnosis and treatment options, connect you to the proper resources you need, and support you any time throughout your family’s entire DIPG/DMG journey.


National Cancer Institute (NCI)

The National Cancer Institute (NCI)oversees a large cooperative group of over 240 hospitals—theChildren’s Oncology Group (COG)that develop new treatments for children with brain tumors, share information, and have common goals. ThePediatric Brain Tumor Consortium (PBTC)is a second NCI-sponsored organization that has clinical trials specifically designed for children with brain tumors. You may be referred to a children’s hospital or academic medical center for participation in a clinical trial sponsored by either group.

Research is important for finding and providing new or improved treatments. Your child may be the first to receive new therapies before they are more widely available; they often become standard treatment. By evaluating new therapies for large numbers of children through COG or PBTC, researchers can more quickly and efficiently gather information about effective therapies.

How to Find Clinical Trials

More information on clinical trials can be obtained through:

Pediatric Brain Tumor Constortium offers their available phase 1 and 2 clinical trial information at

Retreat Resources

B Happy

B the Difference is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed to provide support to individuals and their families battling Neurofibromatosis (NF) through our B Happy and B Kind programs.

B Happy was derived in Brandon’s memory and stems from his love of adventure. The Merritt family saw firsthand that even the smallest escape brought so much joy to Brandon. The ability to step away from life with NF, even if just for a few days, was monumental. They wanted to provide similar experiences to other NF families and individuals.

• B Happy is a five-day all-expense paid vacation for selected NF recipients and their immediate families. All expenses (flights, meals, activities, souvenirs, etc.) are covered, providing a stress-free vacation.
• From experience, we know that NF affects not only the person afflicted but also the other family members who make multiple sacrifices. Trips are limited to a total of five people, including the recipient.
• B Happy is a hosted vacation. Think of your B Happy host as a chauffeur, tour guide, photographer, shoulder to lean on, and friend to talk to. If anyone in your community is interested in hosting a trip, they can apply to do so here.
• Young adults with Neurofibromatosis diagnosis (NF1, NF2, or Schwannomatosis) age 13 and up, living in the United States are eligible for this program.
• We do not accept self-referrals or referrals from immediate family members. Families can be referred here:



Camp Mak-A-Dream

Camp Mak-A-Dream offers a cost free, medically supervised retreat in Montana to children and families affected by cancer. They offer sessions for kids, teens and young adults with any cancer diagnosis, in addition to sessions for caregivers and siblings. CBTF partners with Camp Mak-A-Dream to offer the Heads Up Conference (HUC) and Teen HUC for young adults and teens diagnosed with brain tumors. Contact Beth Jones at for more information about HUC or Teen HUC.

Phone: 406-549-5987



Children's Oncology Camping Association

COCA-I is a one stop resource that offers information on many of the camps that are offered for children and families affected by cancer internationally. 

Phone: 404-661-5723


Children's Oncology Services, Inc

Through the COS One Step programs, they offer camp experiences and other educational and excursion programs throughout the year that allow children with cancer to just be kids. 

Phone: 312-924-4220


First Descents

First Descents offers young adult cancer fighters and survivors a free outdoor adventure experience designed to empower them to climb, paddle and surf beyond their diagnosis, defy their cancer, reclaim their lives and connect with others doing the same. 

Phone: 303-945-2490


Happiness is Camping

Located in Hardwick, NJ, Happiness is Camping (HIC) offers a camp experience for children and families of children affected by cancer from the ages of 6-15. CBTF hosts its retreat for fathers and survivors, Just Us, at HIC. For more information about Just Us, contact Beth Jones at

Phone: 908-362-6733


Wish Granting Resources

The Clayton Dabney Foundation for Kids with Cancer

Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer provides anonymous assistance to financially struggling families throughout the country with children in the final stages of terminal cancer, allowing them to create everlasting memories with their child. 

Phone: 214-361-2600


Dream Factory, Inc

Dream Factory grants dreams to critically and chronically ill children from the ages of three through eighteen.

Phone: 502-561-3001


The Dream Foundation

The Dream Foundation is the nation’s first and largest wish-granting organizations for adults facing a life threatening illness.

Phone: 888-437-3267


Famous Fone Friends

FAMOUS FONE FRIENDS is a charitable organization founded by a group of I.A.T.S.E. Studio Teachers. It is comprised entirely of volunteers whose purpose is to connect seriously ill and hospitalized children with celebrities through phone calls and customized videos.


Give Kids the World

Give Kids the World Village is an 89 acre, non-profit ‘storybook’ resort in Central Florida. Children with critical illnesses and their families are treated to week-long, cost-free vacations. 

Phone: 407-396-1114


Jason's Dreams for Kids Foundation

Jason’s Dreams for Kids grants wishes to children diagnosed with life threatening illnesses living in the New Jersey area.

Phone: 732-758-0060


Kid's Wish Network

Kids Wish Network is an international charitable organization which grants wishes to children between the ages of 3-18 who are battling a life-threatening medical condition. 

Phone: 727-789-0008


Make-a-Wish Foundation

Make-a-Wish grants wishes to children suffering from life threatening diseases and conditions.


Marty Lyon's Foundation

The Marty Lyons Foundation fulfills the special wishes of children chronologically aged 3-17 years old, who have been diagnosed as having a terminal or life threatening illness.

Phone: 631-543-9474


The Rainbow Connection

The Rainbow Connection grants wishes and provides support services to Michigan children battling life-threatening illnesses.

Phone: 248-601-9474


A Special Wish Foundation

A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disorder.

Phone: 614-258-3186


Sunshine Foundation

Sunshine Foundation grants wishes for children, ages three to eighteen, who have severe or profound illnesses or conditions. 

Phone: 215-660-7314


United Special Sportsman Alliance, Inc

United Special Sportsman Alliance, Inc. is a non-profit national wish granting charity that specializes in sending critically ill and disabled youth and disabled veterans on the outdoor adventure of their dreams.

Phone: 715-884-2256/800-518-8019


Wishing Star

Wishing Star Foundation grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses between the ages of 3 and 21, living in Eastern and Central Washington and Idaho.

Phone: 509-744-3411


Changes in Physical Appearance

For children (especially teenagers), self-esteem and self-confidence are often closely related to physical appearance. Changes in appearance may lead to an altered self-image. The organizations listed below can provide resources to help a child or teen manage the physical changes that may come with treatment. 

Hope Scarves

Provides free head scarves to people of all ages in active cancer treatment. 


Knots of Love

Provides free hand knitted and crocheted beanies to people going through active cancer treatment.


Locks of Love

Locks of Love helps children obtain free or low-cost wigs.


Look Good Feel Better for Teens

Look Good Feel Better offers support via free materials and online information to assist with lots of issues including skin changes, hair loss, nutrition, fitness, and socialization during cancer treatment. 
