CBTF Career and Independence Program

CBTF is dedicated to improving the quality of life for brain tumor survivors throughout their lives. As the group ages, CBTF provides tools to strengthen independence and employment, and career options. Unfortunately, survivors face an unemployment rate five times higher than their peers who survived other types of cancer. CBTF strives to ensure survivors have the same employment rate as their peers.

The Career and Independence Program provides the tools for survivors and parents to increase independence and make career determinations that match their strengths while addressing their challenges. The program also works with employers to improve their understanding of the population’s needs and the accommodations that assist with visible and invisible disabilities. We provide group and individual support for survivors and parents. Our Young Professionals Group (YPG) works with survivors on resume building, strength-based interviewing and employment networking.

If you are interested in receiving services through the program, please complete the Career and Independence Program (CIP) form:

If you have additional questions or are an employer interested in supporting the program, please contact Regina Karchner at rkarchner@cbtf.org.

CBTF Young Professionals Group

The CBTF Young Professionals Group (YPG) provides resources and support for young adult brain tumor survivors as they prepare for college, explore career choices and navigate entering the workforce while managing the late effects of a pediatric brain tumor. 

Young adult brain tumor survivors face a higher unemployment rate than their peers, including other pediatric cancer survivors. This is partly because of the physical, cognitive, and emotional changes resulting from a brain tumor and its treatment. These may be visible or invisible. Communicating these changes and any accommodations which may be needed, as a result, are difficult. Frequently this group lacks peer support. YPG is often the bridge to employment and provides much-needed peer support.

Members of YPG are young professionals in their 20’s and 30’s currently holding full-time employment or seeking higher levels of education. All have experience with networking, resume writing, and interviewing, skills they are interested in sharing with young adults in our community. YPG may assist young adult survivors with college essays, mock interviews, review and edit resumes, and help them identify their strengths as they relate to career development. In addition, YPG members participate in local events and have the opportunity to develop and host fundraising events for friends and co-workers to support CBTF. 

Interested in learning more? Fill out our Young Professionals Group interest form:

If you have additional questions please contact Rhonda Atkinson at ratkinson@cbtf.org